We invite you to take part in RAO/CIS Offshore 2025 —

17th International Conference for oil & gas resources development

of the Russian Arctic and continental shelf

The 4-day Conference program includes specialized sessions on the current issues of offshore oil & gas attended by representatives of ministries, administration, industry associations and unions, oil & gas production and engineering companies, scientific community and independent experts.
It will take only 2 minutes to fill in the registration form. After we receive your registration our conference manager will contact you for further details.
Within the framework of the Conference program the leading Russian and world companies will be able to exchange experience in the issues of technological support of shipbuilding for shelf exploration, design and production of offshore facilities, as well as integrated development of the Arctic territories and the Northern Sea Route.

At the moment the Conference program of "RAO/CIS Offshore 2025" Forum is being developed.



Strategic Priorities of Russia in the Arctic

Russia’s priorities in the Arctic include the following areas:

  • National security
  • Marine transport (Northern Sea Route)
  • Resource development (hydrocarbons, solid minerals, biological resources)
  • International aspects
  • Centralized system for managing Arctic development


Development of the Russian Arctic and its Continental Shelf:

Science, Technology, and Industry – Mutually Beneficial Cooperation


Conference session 1

Exploration and Survey Operations

  • Developing Oil & Gas Resources in the Arctic and Far East

Conference session 2:

Hydrometeorological and geological support for Arctic offshore oil & gas development

Conference session 3:

Development and Exploitation of Oil & Gas Fields in the Arctic and on the Continental Shelf

Session 3.1:

Equipment and Technologies for Oil & Gas Development

Session 3.2:

Equipment and Technologies for Oil & Gas Fields Infrastructure

Session 3.3:

Equipment and Technologies for Drilling, Production, Processing, Storage, and Transportation of Hydrocarbons

Conference session 4:

Emergency and Rescue Support for Operations in Oil & Gas Fields on the Russian Continental Shelf: Organization and coordination of search and rescue operations to locate and rescue people and vessels in distress at sea. Containment and elimination of oil spills in offshore fields

  • Organization of emergency and rescue support for offshore fields
  • Search for and rescue of people from offshore fixed platforms, floating drilling rigs, and support vessels
  • Containment and elimination of oil, petroleum product, and gas condensate spills at offshore fields
  • Providing assistance in firefighting on offshore fixed platforms and floating drilling rigs
  • Emergency medical evacuation of the sick and injured from offshore facilities
  • Development of equipment and processes for emergency and rescue operations

Conference session 5:

Onshore Facilities for Support of Offshore Oil & Gas Resources Development

  • Construction of fleets and development of port infrastructure to support the development of oil and gas fields in the Arctic
  • Year-round navigation in the eastern sector of the Northern Sea Route
  • Logistical solutions and supply chains

Conference session 6:

Development and Application in Arctic Conditions of Manned and Unmanned (Autonomous or Uncrewed) Systems and Processes (ROVs, AUVs, UAVs/UASs, USVs, e- and a-navigation)

Conference session 7:

Energy Infrastructure for the Development of Arctic and Far East Deposits

Conference session 8:

Marine Insurance: Risks in Insuring Maritime Assets; International and Domestic Insurance Markets; Classification Societies

  • Insurance of marine and river vessels, risks associated with insuring marine facilities and their evaluation, the impact of sanctions on the insurance of such assets, military risks in the current marine insurance system, international and domestic insurance markets, surveying activities at marine facilities, and classification societies

Conference session 10:

Regulatory and Legal Framework for the Development of Hydrocarbon Resources in the Arctic and on the Continental Shelf

Conference session 11:

Arctic, Marine, and Diving Medicine

Conference session 12:

Communication and Navigation Systems, Satellite Communication Systems, Development of Information Technology, Information Security, and Digitalization for Resource Development and Shipping Projects

Conference session 13:

Industrial (Technical, Fire, etc.) and Environmental Safety of Operations on the Continental Shelf

Conference session 14:

Arctic Materials Science: Interdisciplinary Aspects and a Comprehensive Approach to Developing Materials and Technology for Shelf Exploration


Youth Session

Section: Training Personnel: The Role of Young Scientists and Students in Developing High-Potential Technology for Hydrocarbon Resource Exploration in the Russian Arctic and Continental Shelf
Organizers: Gazprom Vniigaz, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, RESTEC Exhibition Company

Section: Modern methods and technology for the design of vessels and ocean equipment
Organizers: Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, RESTEC Exhibition Company

Section: Health-Care talent pool
Organiser: RESTEC Exhibition Company under the coordination and support of the Arctic, Maritime, and Diving Medicine Association

Use excellent opportunity to speak to the industry professionals, share your expert opinion and your company’s achievements.
Please contact the Secretariat for any queries on participation in the Conference


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