RAO/CIS Offshore News

Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to sponsor the Young Session

From 26#nbsp;— 29 September RAO/CIS Offshore Forum for the Arctic shelf development will host a#nbsp;Young Session, organized by#nbsp;Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC and RESTEC Exhibition Company. Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk will sponsor the session.

Session participants will be 100 young specialists of#nbsp;the industry organizations, undergraduate and graduate students of#nbsp;leading specialized universities, who will form teams for subsequent work on#nbsp;the case solution for the technological development of#nbsp;oil & gas resources of#nbsp;the continental shelf of#nbsp;the Arctic and the Far East.

Master-classes will be#nbsp;organized for young professionals with the participation of#nbsp;leading industry specialists.

The session will be#nbsp;held for 4 days. On#nbsp;the final day there will be#nbsp;a#nbsp;defense of#nbsp;team case solutions, selection and awarding of#nbsp;the winning team.

The RAO/CIS Offshore 2023 forum is#nbsp;held under the Ordinance of#nbsp;the Government of#nbsp;Russia and the directive by#nbsp;Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak and is#nbsp;coordinated by#nbsp;the Russian Academy of#nbsp;Sciences. The event sees active participation from leading Russian companies involved in#nbsp;developing the continental shelf and implementing major oil and gas projects.
2023-08-21 16:00 RAO/CIS Offshore