RAO/CIS Offshore News

Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to sponsor the Young Session at RAO/CIS Offshore 2021

From 21 – 24 September RAO/CIS Offshore Forum for the Arctic shelf development will host a Young Session, organized by Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC and RESTEC Exhibition Company. GazpromDobychaShelfYuzhno-Sakhalinskwillsponsorthesession.
Session participants will be 100 young specialists of the industry organizations, undergraduate and graduate students of leading specialized universities, who will form teams for subsequent work on the case solution for the technological development of oil & gas resources of the continental shelf of the Arctic and the Far East.
Master-classes will be organized for young professionals with the participation of leading industry specialists.
The session will be held for 4 days. On the final day there will be a defense of team case solutions, selection and awarding of the winning team.

The 15th International Exhibition and Conference for offshore oil and gas resources development of the Arctic and continental shelf “RAO/CIS Offshore” will be held from 21 – 24 September 2021 in St. Petersburg at the Gorny Exhibition and Congress Complex. The Business Program will include 2 Plenary session and 15 commercial and technical sessions as well as several specialized events.
Sponsors of the event: Gazprom (General Sponsor), Novatek and Gazprom Neft (Official Sponsors), DNV (Conference Session Sponsor), Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Young Session Sponsor)

More information about the Forum at: www.rao-offshore.ru

2021-08-10 11:33