RAO/CIS Offshore News

December 28, 2022 the Russian Government issued a Decree on holding RAO/CIS Offshore 2023

On#nbsp;December 28, 2022 Alexander Novak, Deputy Prime Minister of#nbsp;Russia, signed a#nbsp;Decree of#nbsp;the Government of#nbsp;the Russian Federation on#nbsp;holding in#nbsp;St. Petersburg the International Exhibition and Conference on#nbsp;offshore oil & gas resources development of#nbsp;the Russian Arctic and continental shelf RAO/CIS Offshore 2021.

Founders and Organisers: Ministry of#nbsp;Energy of#nbsp;the Russian Federation, Gazprom, Rosneft Oil Company, Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Research Council of#nbsp;the Russian Academy of#nbsp;Sciences for geology and development of#nbsp;oil and gas and coal deposits, RESTEC® Exhibition Company.

The Decree states:
"To the Ministry of#nbsp;Energy of#nbsp;the Russian Federation, Federal executive offices (according to#nbsp;the list), top officials (heads of#nbsp;the highest executive bodies of#nbsp;state power) of#nbsp;the subjects of#nbsp;the Russian Federation (according to#nbsp;the list).

I#nbsp;request to#nbsp;take part in#nbsp;preparing and holding the International Conference and Exhibition for Offshore Oil and Gas Resources Development of#nbsp;the Russian Arctic and the CIS Continental Shelf ‘RAO/CIS Offshore 2023' to#nbsp;be#nbsp;held from 12#nbsp;— 15 September 2023 in#nbsp;accordance with the Russian Government Decree of#nbsp;15 June 2013 No. 989-P.

I#nbsp;request to#nbsp;take part in#nbsp;preparing and holding of#nbsp;the plenary sessions of#nbsp;the International Forum and to#nbsp;invite to#nbsp;participation foreign relevant ministries, Russian and international companies, leading Russian and foreign experts."

RAO/CIS Offshore has been held since 1993, and for more than twenty five years of#nbsp;its history it#nbsp;has retained its status as#nbsp;the main international forum for addressing key issues of#nbsp;integrated development of#nbsp;the Russian Arctic and the continental shelf.
2023-01-09 10:30 RAO/CIS Offshore