DNV GL AS has a long history of partnership with RAO/CIS Offshore. At the forthcoming event DNV will traditionally sponsor a conference session and, besides sponsor support, the company will send a delegation of experts to participate in the conference program of the Forum.
According to Nils Andreas Masvie, Vice President of DNV, RAO/CIS Offshore is certainly a key Russian business event in the field of offshore oil and gas.
Taking into account the status of the event and the importance of the topics to be discussed, RAO/CIS Offshore 2021 is supported by the leading Russian companies — Gazprom is the General Sponsor of the Forum.
- DNV is an international certification and classification society providing services to 13,175 ships and mobile offshore units (MOU), representing 21% of the global market. It is also the largest technical consulting company in the field of renewable energies (in particular wind, wave, tidal and solar energies) and oil & gas — 65% of the offshore pipelines worldwide have been designed and installed in accordance with DNV technical standards.
- In 2021 RAO/CIS Offshore Forum is included in the schedule of events of the International Arctic Council, where Russia is presiding in 2021−2023. The Forum will include 2 plenary sessions, 12 conference sessions, a Young session dedicated to promising works of young scientists and issues of training personnel for offshore oil and gas production, technical seminars at industrial and scientific enterprises of St. Petersburg, as well as a contest of R&D and innovative works aimed at the development and exploitation of the Arctic and continental shelf (hosted by the Russian Ministry of Energy).